Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Giving when you think you’ve got nothing left to give…

Recently, a good friend of mine had some major money issues which needed to be dealt with within the shortest possible time. He wasn’t forthcoming in throwing it into the atmosphere because we live in a society where fraud is the order of the day but this was a life-threatening issue so there was no way he would keep this pain to himself and let things go without a fight (not if I have anything to do with it).

Anyway, this got me thinking how we have so much to give in any human endeavour or circumstance even when we think we can’t. It’s strange…. human nature, there’s so much inside of us that’s waiting to manifest and conquer whatever comes along but for some reason, mainly due to fear…of the unknown?..., of failure?..., of success?..., of over-exposure?..., we just get caught in a web which keeps us stuck in one position. Paralyzed to our bones, we refuse to move even out of freewill.
Sometimes I have this problem, a situation where my guts tell me to take things one step at a time…., one touch at a time…, one person at a time…, one life at a time… yet due to mind tricks, external factors (like what would the world say, or what would my family/friends think?) and happenings in my environment I sometimes just refuse to empty myself.

The sad part of the matter is that the soul takes care of itself regardless of the number of times we empty it due to giving of our self. The truth is that we can never give enough because we’re made up of this infinite mass that can never die even after our last breathe. Besides, if we are fortunate to make it till the next day, we wake up to a newly replenished soul ready to do it all over again. How does God do it? I don’t want to know!

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